Click each step to see the action. You can also click the picture or use the arrow keys.

  • When new versions are available, you can update the software on your Apple iPhone 6s Plus for extra features and better performance. Here, we show you how to update your phone using iTunes v11.1.0.126.
  • 1. On your computer, start iTunes.
  • 2. Connect the Apple iPhone 6s Plus to iTunes on your computer using the USB cable.
  • 3. iTunes will automatically search for software updates. If prompted about a newer software version, click Download and Update.
  • 4. Click Next.
  • 5. Click Agree.
  • 6. iTunes will download the software update.
  • 7. The software update will then be applied to your Apple iPhone 6s Plus.
  • 8. The Apple iPhone 6s Plus has been successfully updated.