Click each step to see the action. You can also click the picture or use the arrow keys.

  • Siri is the intelligent personal assistant that helps you get things done. Ask questions or speak commands into the Apple iPhone 8 Plus, and Siri will help you find information, send messages, make calls, set reminders and more.
  • 1. Touch Settings.
  • 2. Scroll to and touch Siri & Search.
  • 3. Touch the Listen for “Hey Siri” slider.
  • 4. Touch Enable Siri.
  • 5. Touch Continue.
  • 6. Follow the instructions on the phone and say “Hey Siri” up to three times.
  • 7. Say “Hey Siri, howʼs the weather today?”
  • 8. Say “Hey Siri, itʼs me.”
  • 9. Touch Done.
  • 10. Siri is now set up and ready to use. Touch the Home button.
  • 11. To use Siri, hold down the Home button until Siri appears.
  • 12. Speak your command into the phone (e.g., “Remind me to call Maria at 9”).
  • 13. Siri has created the reminder.