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  • When new versions are available, you can update the software on your LG Optimus L5 for extra features and better performance. Here, we show you how to update the phone using a computer with LGMobile Support Tool version downloaded from the LG website.
  • 1. On the computer, launch LGMobile Support Tool.
  • 2. Connect the phone to the computer using the USB cable.
  • 3. You'll be prompted if an update is available. Click Start Updating.
  • 4. Read the warning and click Yes.
  • 5. The update process will now begin.
  • 6. The software will be downloaded to the computer.
  • 7. Wait while the software is installed on the phone.
    Note: Do not disconnect the USB cable from the phone computer during this process.
  • 8. The update is complete. Click Exit and disconnect the phone.