Click each step to see the action. You can also click the picture or use the arrow keys.

  • 1. Launch the My Account app. If you have multiple accounts, pick the account you want to see.
  • 2. Tap the Log in button to access your profile information.
  • 3. Tap the Profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • 4. Tap My profile.
  • 5. This is your profile overview:
    You can view or edit any of the sections — Name, Username, Password, Secret questions or Email address. You can also view and edit your credit card details.
    To edit your name details, tap the Edit button next to Name.
  • 6. In this section you can change your first name and last name.
    Changing these names will only affect your greeting name, it will not affect the name on any of your bills or services.
  • 7. Tap Save.
  • 8. The Name details have been changed.
  • 9. To view or edit your Billing and service details, tap Billing and services.
  • 10. This is your Billing and services overview, you can view or edit some of the sections — Nickname, Billing address, Method of payment, Billing format and Payment reminders. You can also view and edit the Nicknames associated with your services.
    To edit any of these details, tap the Edit button next to the required section.