Click each step to see the action. You can also click the picture or use the arrow keys.

  • Add widgets for quick access to apps, games, information and more on the home screen of your Samsung Galaxy S™ Vibrant™.
  • 1. Touch and hold down on a home screen.
  • 2. Touch the required option (e.g. Samsung Widgets).
  • 3. Touch the required widget.
  • 4. If there isn't enough room on the selected home screen, the widget will automatically move to the nearest home screen with available space.
  • 5. Touch the widget to confirm its position.
  • 6. The widget has been added. Touch Select city.
  • 7. Enter the required city.
  • 8. Touch Search.
  • 9. Touch the required search result.
  • 10. The selected city has been set.